Application of screen printing

Textile printing

Fabric printing refers to the process of forming patterns on fabrics by printing. The printing methods include: type plate printing, skermdrukwerk, rotary screen printing, transfer printing and multi-color dye printing. Screen printing comes from type plate printing (including type paper plate and zinc plate), which starts from manual operation, gradually moves to semi-automatic and fully automatic, and then develops from flat screen printing to round screen printing.

Direct printing of coatings

Pigment direct printing is to directly print the prepared printing paste on the fabric, which is the most simple and commonly used process in the printing process. Coating direct printing process generally refers to printing on white or light colored fabrics, which is convenient in color matching and simple in process. After printing, it can be baked and applied to all kinds of fiber fabrics. According to the commonly used adhesives, the direct printing process of coatings can be divided into acclamine F-type adhesives. Three direct printing processes including acrylate binder, styrene butadiene latex and chitin binder.

sy drukwerk

The main methods of silk printing are direct printing, discharge printing and anti dyeing printing. Direct printing has been introduced before. Discharge printing, transfer printing and penetration printing will be introduced separately in the following sections. Here is mainly about anti dyeing printing.

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