Metoda de selecție a șapcii de baseball

Şapcile de baseball au diferite funcţii de umbrire, decor, încălzire și protecție. Prin urmare, there are many kinds and choices.

Face shape

There are three main types of human faces: pătrat (chip național), rundă (fata rotunda) și ascuțit (fata ascutita). Dacă purtați o șapcă rotundă, you will have a big face and a small cap. It would be better to wear a broad cap with a duck tongue. A pointed-faced person wears a duck-tongue cap, which makes his face look bigger and thinner. So wearing a dome cap is more appropriate. All the hats are suitable for people with Chinese characters.


The height person baseball cap should be big or not small, otherwise it gives people the feeling of light head and heavy foot. Short people are the opposite. Tall women shouldn’t wear high baseball caps, otherwise they feeltall again”. Short ladies should not wear flat-topped wide-eaved baseball caps, they will appear shorter.

Dioxidul de carbon formează în mod natural vinuri spumoase cu un conținut de zahăr mai mic decât