Monthly Archives - Сентябрь 2019


Modal knitted fabric is a new type of environmental protection fiber. It integrates cotton comfort, viscose drape, polyester strength and silk handle. It also has the soft and bright color after washing many times. Knitting technology still combines the advantages of fiber and knitting itself, such as soft and fluffy, high elasticity and comfort, so as to complement each other’s superior performance. On circular knitting machine (large circular knitting machine), single-sided and double-sided knitted fabrics interwoven with Model and [...]

Классификация текилового вина

Бланко и Плата Бланко и Плата, значение “белый” и “серебро” на испанском соответственно, можно рассматривать как выдержанное вино в сфере текилы, и не требуют выдержки в дубовых бочках. Blanco grade tequila is put in oak barrels for a maximum of 30 дней. Joven abocado Joven abocado, which meansyoung and pleasantin Spanish, is also often called Oro (golden). In terms of classification, all of these wines belong to Mixto. In theory, no 100% of [...]

Классификация скатертей

Первый, классифицируется в зависимости от производственного процесса. Пластмассы: скатерть из ПВХ, скатерть из ЭВА, скатерть ПЕВА, гладильная скатерть, хлопковая основа скатерть из ПВХ, Скатерти из полипропилена и другие скатерти из полиэтилена, скатерть из пленки для литья под давлением Категория Текстиль: скатерть из полиэстера и хлопка с принтом, polyester-cotton knitted lace table cloth, pure cotton mercerized screen button table cloth, polyester warp knitted jacquard table cloth, pure cotton mercerized jacquard table cloth, polyester-cotton flat knitted printing table cloth, polyester-cotton flat embroidered table cloth, [...]

Common Wearing Method of POLO Shirts

1. Clothes directly (the most common way of wearing): But many people don’t wear it. They often choose a pure T-shirt to underline, wear a T-shirt with a round collar next to a POLO shirt, which will make people feel simple, generous and layered, and also protect the POLO shirt. 2. Unfasten and wear the two buttons: В целом, POLO shirts will have two buttons. If you wear them close to your body, it is recommended that the bottom button be unlocked, тот [...]

Material Classification of Socks

1. Cotton Usually we prefer to wear pure cotton socks, but is pure cotton 100% cotton? The sock specialist’s answer is no, that is to say, there are no 100% cotton socks. If the composition of a pair of socks is 100% cotton, then the pair of socks is completely inelastic, socks have to be knitted very wide to fit in, you can imagine how heelless these socks are. 100% cotton socks shrinkage rate is particularly high, not strong, wearable. [...]

Использование полиэстера

Полиэфирные волокна обладают высокой прочностью., высокий модуль и низкое водопоглощение. Они широко используются в качестве гражданских и промышленных тканей.. В качестве текстильного материала, полиэфирные штапельные волокна могут быть чистым прядением, особенно подходит для смешивания с другими волокнами; they can be blended with natural fibers such as cotton, linen, wool, and other chemical staple fibers such as viscose fibers, acetate fibers, polyacrylonitrile fibers and other staple fibers. The cotton-like, wool-like and linen-like fabrics made from pure or blended fabrics [...]

Introduction of absinthe

Vermouth is a highly alcoholic distilled wine with anise flavor. Its main raw materials are anise, anise and wormwood herbs (Artemisia absinthium). The liquor is green and turns opaque and milky when ice water is added. This is the well-known suspension state of absinthe. This wine is rich in aroma, light and slightly bitter taste, and contains more than 45 degrees of alcohol. The four major producers of absinthe are Czech Republic, Spain, France and Switzerland. Czech is also a [...]

Классификация рисунков футболок.

Дизайн выкройки футболки сочетает в себе графический дизайн и дизайн одежды.. Хороший дизайн рисунка футболки может обогатить декоративное разнообразие продуктов и повысить ценность футболки., и может играть лучший рекламный эффект, so it is more commercial and practical than traditional painting. Настоящее время, there are many types of T-shirt pattern design, generally more common are: 1, trademark category; 2, text category; 3, comprehensive category. Trademark category There are many international brands of T-shirts, and their printed patterns are [...]

T-shirt fabrics

Polyester cotton Cotton + polyester, refers to polyester and cotton blended fabric collectively. Generally there are two classifications of blending and weaving. Advantages are good wrinkle resistance, not easy to deform; disadvantages are easy to hair, plus two dyeing, the fabric feel hard. The hand feel is soft and thick, the washing is not easy to deform, but the clothing comfort is slightly worse than pure cotton. 65% cotton T-shirt fabric is OK, while 35% cotton is worse, wearing very [...]