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History of Champagne

Champagne originated in France and was named for its place. Champagne was originally the name of a province in northeastern Paris, França. Legend has it that in 1760, Berry Rong, a monk of the Hatterwell Monastery in Champagne Province, put wine in a glass bottle with sugar, firmly stuffed with corks, and preserved it. A few months later, he remembered the wine he had kept. When he opened the cork, the wine in the bottle was filled with the [...]

Método de derramamento

Procedimento de vazamento: Se o vinho for vedado com rolha, depois de abrir a garrafa, o dono deve primeiro estar em seu próprio copo. Despeje um pouco, provar se houver mau gosto de cortiça, se o sabor não é puro, deve ser substituído por outro frasco. When pouring wine, first the chief guest and then the other guests. Usually in clockwise direction, pour wine one by one on the right side of each guest, and finally pour wine for yourself.Method of [...]

Característica do copo de vinho

1.Taça de vinho Bordéus Taça de vinho tinto de Bordéus, como o próprio nome indica, é adequado para a maioria dos vinhos tintos de Bordeaux franceses. Porque o vinho tinto de Bordeaux é azedo e adstringente, requer forma de copo de tulipa com corpo longo e parede não muito vertical. Curve of cup wall can effectively adjust the direction of liquor diffusion in mouth, and wider mouth can better adapt to Bordeaux red wine. Gradual wine aroma.2. Burgundy Cup Burgundy red wine with heavy fruit flavor needs frequent flow in the [...]

A origem dos coquetéis (2)

Declaração 4 No século 19, Clifford, um americano, administrava um hotel à beira do rio Hudson. A família Kejia tem três coisas para se orgulhar. Eles são chamados de Keshi Sanju. em primeiro lugar, ele tem uma gordura, grande galo, um jogador famoso no campo de briga de galos; secondly, his wine bank is said to have the most outstanding wine in the world; thirdly, he boasts that his daughter, Emily, is the first beautiful woman in the city and seems to be unique [...]

A origem dos coquetéis (1)

Declaração 1 Cocktails In 1777, Betsy Flanagan invented the American-stylecocktails”. Cocktails originated in a cocktail feather-decorated pub in Elmsford, New York, in 1776. One day, when all kinds of liquor were almost sold out in the pub, some officers came in to buy drinks. A waitress named Betsy Flanagan poured all the leftovers into a large container and whipped a feather from a big cock to serve the guests. When the officers looked at the wine’s fineness and could [...]

Em condições normais

Em condições normais, Em condições normais. Em condições normais: Em condições normais, Em condições normais, Em condições normais, Em condições normais, Em condições normais, Em condições normais, Em condições normais: Em condições normais, polyester-cotton knitted lace table cloth, pure cotton mercerized screen button table cloth, polyester warp knitted jacquard table cloth, pure cotton mercerized jacquard table cloth, polyester-cotton flat knitted printing table cloth, polyester-cotton flat embroidered table cloth, [...]

The Origin of Margarita cocktail

Margaret, known asAfter Cocktail”, is one of the most famous traditional cocktails in the world besides Martini. It was the champion of the American Cocktail Contest in 1949. In addition to our most common standard Margaret, there are more than twenty kinds of modulation methods, of which Margaret with a variety of fruit flavors and a variety of other colors are the majority (standard Margaret is yellow).Dentro 1949, the United States held a national cocktail contest. Jean Durasa, Rainha no vinho [...]