Как мы должны предотвратить новый коронавирус?

Первый, часто мойте руки. В том числе до, во время и после приготовления пищи; после кашля или чихания; при уходе за больными; после дефекации перед едой; когда руки грязные; немедленно вымойте руки с мылом, alcohol containing hand sanitizer and water after handling animals or animal excreta.

Second, active protection. When you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and nose completely with a paper towel or cuff or elbow bend, and throw the used paper towel into the closed dustbin immediately, and wash your hands. The susceptible population should avoid going to public places with dense population as far as possible, and can wear masks to reduce the risk of contact with pathogens. Avoid close contact with patients without protection, and avoid touching their eyes, mouth and nose. В то же время, pay attention to keep the windows and ventilation in the home and workplace, and keep the environment clean.

Third, avoid close contact. Try to avoid close contact with cultured or wild animals without protection; avoid contact with sick animals and deteriorated meat; avoid contact with stray animals and waste water in the fresh market.

Fourth, good and safe eating habits. Cook meat and eggs thoroughly and eat them. Wash hands when handling raw food and cooked food. Separate the cutting board and knife.

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