
Modal-gebreide stof is een nieuw type vezel voor milieubescherming. Het integreert katoencomfort, viscose draperen, polyester sterkte en zijden handvat. Het heeft ook de zachte en heldere kleur na vele keren wassen. Knitting technology still combines the advantages of fiber and knitting itself, such as soft and fluffy, high elasticity and comfort, so as to complement each other’s superior performance. On circular knitting machine (large circular knitting machine), single-sided and double-sided knitted fabrics interwoven with Model and spandex bare silk are used. They are soft, smooth, elastic, draping, lustrous, moisture-absorbing and breathable, and have silky handle. Fashion clothing designed with this kind of fabrics can maximize the body curve and sculpt out. The sexy and charming of female carcass is a high-grade knitted dress favored by avant-garde fashion families.

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