Характеристика ПП

ПП бесцветный, без запаха, нетоксичное и полупрозрачное твердое вещество. Полипропилен (ПП) представляет собой разновидность термопластической синтетической смолы с превосходными свойствами.. Это бесцветный и полупрозрачный термопластичный легкий пластик общего назначения.. Имеет химическую стойкость, термостойкость, электрическая изоляция, high-strength mechanical properties and good high wear-resistant processing performance, и т. д., which makes polypropylene rapidly developed and applied in many fields such as machinery, automobile, electronic and electrical appliances, architecture, textile, packaging, agriculture, forestry, fishery and food industry since it was invented. In recent years, with the rapid development of China’s packaging, electronics, automobile and other industries, it has greatly promoted the development of China’s industry. Because of its plasticity, polypropylene is gradually replacing wood products, and high strength, toughness and wear resistance have gradually replaced the mechanical function of metal. Кроме того, polypropylene has good grafting and composite functions, and has great application space in concrete, textile, packaging, agriculture, forestry and fishery.

The mice were administrated with 8g / kg for 1-5 times without obvious toxic symptoms. The decomposing products of polypropylene were inhaled 30 times to 210-220 ℃ for 2 hours each time, and the irritation symptoms of eye mucosa and upper respiratory tract appeared. As with polyethylene, it is forbidden to use recycled products to contain food.

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