Оценка Carlsberg

Spread all over the world

Carlsberg is popular in more than 150 странах по всему миру, потому что все пиво Carlsberg варится высочайшего качества.. В более чем 160 годы, Carlsberg вел всех друзей. Приходят ли они из спортивных баров, small street halls, or fashionable restaurants dressed in fine clothes, they will come to share the passionate sports and drink together.

Good quality

Carlsberg is the world’s favorite high-grade beer. The quality of the beer is excellent and fresh, and the taste is plump and smooth. Because in the brewing process, Carlsberg uses the whole malt production, with the highest quality water source in the country of origin, combined with brewing pure European taste.

Sports sponsorship

Sports sponsorship plays an indispensable role in Carlsberg’s brand strategy. Carlsberg’s partnership with football is a tradition that Carlsberg prides itself on. In order to carry forward this tradition, Carlsberg will continue to sponsor the 2008 European Football Championship and Liverpool Football Club, the most popular football team in England and the world, since 1992.

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