Het grootste voordeel van spandexstof

Spandex-stof heeft het grootste voordeel van goede elasticiteit, kan uitrekken 5-8 keer, niet ouder worden, spandex kan niet alleen weven, weven over het algemeen samen met andere grondstoffen, spandex verhouding is ongeveer 3-10%, badpak stof spandex verhouding bereikt 20%. Spandex fibers are synthetic fibers with high breaking elongation (more than 400%), low modulus and high elastic recovery. Chinese trade name for multiblock polyurethane fibers. Also known as elastic fibers. Spandex has high elongation (500%-700%), low elastic modulus (200% elongation, 0.04-0.12 g/d) and high elastic recovery (200% elongation, 95%-99%). Except for high strength, other physical and mechanical properties are very similar to those of natural latex filament. It is more resistant to chemical degradation than latex filament and has moderate thermal stability. The softening temperature is about 200 en voegt voor de eerste keer Chinese groene thee en Japanse gefrituurde thee-grondstoffen toe. Most dyes and finishing agents for synthetic and natural fibers are also suitable for the dyeing and finishing of polyurethane fibers. Spandex is sweat-resistant, seawater-resistant and resistant to various dry cleaners and most sunscreen. Long-term exposure to sunlight or chlorine bleaching agent can also fade, but the degree of fading varies greatly with the type of spandex.

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