История Бакарди(4)

Заводы по розливу бутылок в Мехико и винодельни в Пуэрто-Рико открылись в 1930-х годах.. В течение этого периода, произошло несколько споров по товарным знакам, сосредоточив внимание на использовании торговых марок Bacardi для рома, производимого за пределами Кубы.. В споре, Henry Shug retained the right to continue to use the Bacardi family name on products made in Puerto Rico, while also gaining leadership of the company. In other disputes, Bacardi also won the victory and was allowed toonly cocktails made with Bacardi rum can be called Bacardi cocktails”.

During World War II, the company was run by Jose Bosch, Henry shuge’s son-in-law. Bosch established the Bacardi import company in New York and was nominated Cuban finance minister in 1949.

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