Kurze Einführung in das Vakuumgalvanisieren

Bei der Vakuumbeschichtung werden verschiedene Arten von Metall- und Nichtmetallfilmen auf der Oberfläche von Kunststoffteilen durch Destillation oder Sputtern unter Vakuumbedingungen abgeschieden. Auf diese Weise, es kann eine sehr dünne Oberflächenbeschichtung erhalten werden. Zur selben Zeit, it has the outstanding advantages of fast adhesion and good adhesion, but the price is also high, and there are few types of metal that can be operated, which is generally used as the functionality of higher-grade products. The coating, zum Beispiel, is used as an internal shield. There are two common electroplating processes for plastic products: water plating and vacuum ion plating.

In stainless steel: vacuum ion plating, also known as vacuum plating. Vacuum plating is now a relatively popular method, the product has a strong metal sense and high brightness. Compared with other coating methods, the cost is lower and the pollution to the environment is small. Now it is widely used in various industries.

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