
拉菲, 作为波尔多五座著名的城堡之一, 法国, 历史悠久. 在 1354, 成立于博伊尔村. 拉菲被称为 “女王” 因其出色的花香和果香而成为葡萄酒王国, 醇厚优雅. 尽管百年变迁, 拉菲酒庄一直秉承虔诚的戒酒精神和严格的技术标准, 并保持了拉菲作为世界顶级葡萄酒的品质和声誉.

在 1354, Lafite Winery was founded in Boyile Village.

In the 14th century, Lafite Winery has become quite famous, and its products are the best wine in the cups of the nobles of Versailles Palace.

In the 17th century, French nobles from palace to common people basically drank Burgundy wine, while Louis XV’s mistress Bombardier was fond of Lafite. 自那时候起, Lafite has become the best thing in the cups of Paris Versailles Palace nobles. After Rafael entered the British market in the early 18th century, he was soon collected by many British alcoholics. During 1732-1733, Robert Walpole, the first British prime minister, bought a barrel of Rafael every three months on average.

在 1855, the French government gave the winery its only rating so far, ranking four first-class wineries, while Lafite ranked first.

At Christie’s auction in London in 1985, a bottle of 1787 Lafite signed by Thomas Jefferson, then President of the United States, was bought by Malcolm Forbes, owner of Forbes magazine, 为了 105,000 pounds. As a result, the Lafite still holds the record of the world’s most expensive bottle of wine until 2012.

Only 2-3 vines can produce a bottle of red wine in Lafite Winery. The annual output of the whole winery is controlled at 2-30,000 boxes (12 in each box, 750 mL each). Due to the shortage of supply and demand, the reservation of Lafite is made half a year before the grapes are ripe, and each guest can only book 20 cases at most. And the long-standing Rafi wine is rare in the world, so it is enthusiastically sought after by wine collectors. 例如, at Christie’s Auction in London in 1985, a bottle of 1787 Lafite was auctioned at a high price of 105,000 pounds, setting and maintaining the world record for the most expensive wine ever sold, unlike previous top wine auctions. It is understood that in May 2012, a box of 12 bottles of Lafite Villa Red Wine was launched in 2008 at a price of 1,950 pounds, which soared to 3,500 pounds in just two months.
