Types of Wine Cups

There are three main types: Bordeaux, Burgundy and all-purpose glasses. Bordeaux glasses are taller and narrower than Burgundy glasses to preserve the aroma of Bordeaux wine. The capacity ranges from 12 a 18 ounces.

These two glasses, named after the grape producing areas, can indeed be said to be tailored to suit grape varieties from different producing areasBordeaux glasses are more suitable for tasting wine from Bordeaux producing areas, whether they are full-bodied Cabernet Sauvignon or Merlot with soft tannins and low acidity. The Burgundy Cup is even better when tasting Pinot Noir grapes with higher acidity in the Burgundy region. Because different parts of the tongue have different sensitivities to taste-the tip of the tongue is the most sensitive to sweetness, the back of the tongue is the most sensitive to bitterness, while the inside and outside of the tongue are sensitive to acid and salt respectively. The design of the wine cup is based on this human structure. The difference in the order in which the liquor wraps the tongue can balance the sweet taste and tannin of fruits. Acidity makes the taste smoother. Whether the Bordeaux or Burgundy Cup, there are a number of detailed classification.

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