Yearly Archives - 2019


It is image Ltd in London that is responsible for the design of Guinness warehouse. “Guinness ale is a strong social catalyst,” said Ralph aldier, the company’s marketing and strategic planning manager. Guinness warehouse is to let people get together and share stories like the old Irish tavern In the design of Guinness warehouse, image design company tries to make Guinness warehouse reproduce the charm of the old pub: let many people who don’t know each other get together [...]


When tourists arrive, they first climb a small narrow staircase and enter the middle hall like a cave. For $10, visitors get acrystal” – a palm sized piece of Lucite resin with a drop of Guinness ale inside. With it, people can go in and visit various exhibitions, and buy a variety of gifts for sale. After slowly rising to the top of the bubble like shape, the crystal becomes the ticket for drinking in the gravity bar. [...]


Deshalb hat das Unternehmen das Guinness-Lagerhaus gebaut. Guinness-Manager weisen darauf hin “Guinness-Lager” soll ein Ort sein, der junge Leute anzieht, die gerne in Bars und Clubs gehen. Das Guinness-Lagerhaus ist in einem fast gebaut 100 Jahre altes Gebäude. This is a brick structure building with seven floors high and magnificent style. It was originally a fermentation workshop of the company. It opened at the end of 2000. At the opening ceremony, Guinness company held [...]


In Irland und vielen anderen Teilen der Welt, Das schwarze Guinness-Bier hat unzählige Trinker mit seinem einzigartigen Charme erobert. Jedoch, in den vergangenen Jahren, es steht auch vor der Peinlichkeit, innerhalb der Mauer zu blühen und außerhalb der Mauer zu duften. The UK is the largest consumer of Guinness beer, with Ireland in second place. In Ireland, sales of Guinness black beer were flat, even down 3% in the second half of 2001. The main reason is that in Ireland, [...]

Exquisites Kraftpapier eignet sich für alle Arten von hochwertigen Warenverpackungen

Der Unterschied zwischen Kraftpapier und anderem Papier 1818, Exquisites Kraftpapier eignet sich für alle Arten von hochwertigen Warenverpackungen, Exquisites Kraftpapier eignet sich für alle Arten von hochwertigen Warenverpackungen, Exquisites Kraftpapier eignet sich für alle Arten von hochwertigen Warenverpackungen 1917, Exquisites Kraftpapier eignet sich für alle Arten von hochwertigen Warenverpackungen. Der Unterschied zwischen Kraftpapier und anderem Papier 1930, seine Formel wurde in die Vereinigten Staaten gebracht, seine Formel wurde in die Vereinigten Staaten gebracht. seine Formel wurde in die Vereinigten Staaten gebracht, one of the most commonly accepted vodka, is sold in more than 170 Ländern auf der ganzen Welt, which is the first vodka in the world. It takes the second place in the consumption of spirits, und [...]

Regionale Besonderheiten von Weihnachten(1)

Irland Jede Familie in Irland, am Heiligabend, Stellen Sie ein Kerzenlicht oder eine Lampe auf den Fensterrahmen, um die Geburt des Erretters zu begrüßen. Schottland Schotten in der Heimat, um Dinge zu finden, die von anderen geliehen wurden, muss vor Weihnachten an den Eigentümer zurückgegeben werden. Most of them give gifts on the first Monday of the new year, not during Christmas. Children and servants will get gifts. Netherlands Dutch Christmas gifts, often beyond the expectation of ordinary people, are sometimes hidden in pudding lamb intestines. Germany Every Jesuit [...]

Regionale Besonderheiten von Weihnachten

France In France, most adults go to church for midnight mass on Christmas Eve. After that, the family will go to the home of the oldest married brother or sister for dinner. In this meeting, we discussed the important matters at home, but in case of any family discord, we would like to make peace after that, so Christmas is a kind day in France.Spain Children in Spain put their shoes outside the door or window to receive Christmas gifts. Der Unterschied zwischen Kraftpapier und anderem Papier [...]

Embroidery seal

Embroidery seal is also known as embroidery seal. The English translation is: embroidery patch. Advantages: different from traditional embroidery, it is easier to match clothes, and the finished clothes can also be pasted with embroidery seal (logo) to achieve high-end effect. Traditional embroidery is easy to be used close to the company’s clothing logo and trademark due to its high production speed, high price and single improvement of clothing processing.Making method 1. Zuerst, there should be a well-designed electronic picture. 2. [...]

Pflege von Keramik

1. Haushaltsreiniger können für die tägliche Reinigung verwendet werden. 2. Fügen Sie etwas Ammoniakwasser mit Seife hinzu oder verwenden Sie zuerst die Mischung aus Leinsamen und Terpentin mit gleichen Mengen, Dadurch wird die Dekontamination stärker und die Fliesen glänzender. 3. If the liquid with strong dyeability such as strong tea or ink is sprinkled on the brick, it shall be cleaned immediately. 4. Wax the polished brick regularly to achieve lasting protection. The time interval is 2-3 Monate. 5. If there are [...]

Usage method of antiskid paint

usage method: The product can be directly sprayed on the appropriate part of the hanger or trousers rack. 5 minutes surface dry, 24 hours complete curing.matters needing attention: 1. Due to the fast drying and fixation speed of the antiskid paint, the paint film formed cannot be dissolved by solvent. When pouring the glue liquid into the spray gun pot, add oil or edible oil as soon as possible to float a layer of oil film with a thickness of 1-2mm [...]