
Bacardi shine babban mai kera ruhohi mallakar dangi a duniya, wanda kayayyakin sun hada da Bacardi babba da 151 alamar rum. Kowace shekara, fiye da 200 ana sayar da kwalabe miliyan 200 kasashen duniya. Ya fito ne daga babban rum a Santiago, Kuba, which is pure and smooth. It contains the freedom, color and passion that symbolizes the spirit of Latin Caribbean. It is the top selling high-end strong wine in the world, with products distributed in more than 170 countries.

Brand features: in 1862, the high-grade rum originated from Santiago, Kuba, is pure and smooth; it contains the freedom, color and passion that symbolizes the spirit of Latin Caribbean. It is the first high-grade liquor sold in the world, with products distributed in more than 170 countries.

In December 2018, the “2018 top 500 world brandscompiled by the world brand laboratory was announced, ranking 217.

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