
百加得是世界上最大的家族拥有的烈酒制造商, 其产品包括 Bacardi Superior 和 151 品牌朗姆酒. 每年, 多于 200 百万瓶售出 200 世界各国. 它来自圣地亚哥的高端朗姆酒, 古巴, 纯净光滑. 它包含自由, 象征拉丁加勒比精神的色彩和激情. 它是世界上最畅销的高端烈酒, 产品分布在超过 170 countries.

Brand features: 在 1862, the high-grade rum originated from Santiago, 古巴, is pure and smooth; it contains the freedom, 象征拉丁加勒比精神的色彩和激情. It is the first high-grade liquor sold in the world, 产品分布在超过 170 countries.

In December 2018, 这 “2018 top 500 world brandscompiled by the world brand laboratory was announced, ranking 217.
