
Es difícil saber exactamente quién creó CASA por primera vez, pero generalmente se cree que la Cachaca se producía entre 1530 y 1550, porque fue en este momento que la caña de azúcar se introdujo en Brasil como un importante cultivo comercial en la colonia. And the slaves who planted and harvested sugarcane often collected the surplus of sugarcane processing in the farm and let it ferment into alcoholic beverages.

Diferente de la tinta de serigrafía, it was realized that fermentation by boiling juice would be better, which led to today’s Cachaca, which is also regarded asthe drink of the poorin Brazil. But this kind of appellation did not affect Cachaca’s becoming the most characteristic part of Brazilian culture, and let it flow into the hearts of Brazilians successfully. According to statistics, Brazilians consume 350 million gallons of Cachaca every year.

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