Гофрированная бумага

Гофрированная бумага представляет собой материал в форме доски, который изготовлен из гофрированной бумаги и гофрированной бумаги.. Обычно он делится на одинарный гофрокартон и двойной гофрокартон.. По размеру гофрокартона, можно разделить на пять типов: А, Б, С, E and F. The invention and application of corrugated paper has a history of more than 100 годы. It has the advantages of low cost, light weight, easy processing, high strength, good printing adaptability, convenient storage and handling, так далее. больше, чем 80% of corrugated paper can be recycled. Corrugated paper can be used as the packaging of food or digital products, which is relatively environmental friendly and widely used.

A-type and B-type corrugations are generally used as external packing boxes for transportation, and beer boxes are generally made of B-type corrugations. E-ring is often used as a single packaging box with certain aesthetic requirements and appropriate weight contents. F-ring and g-ring are collectively called micro corrugated, which is a kind of extremely thin corrugated, used as a disposable packaging container for hamburger, cream filled pastry and other food, or used as a packaging for micro electric products such as digital camera, portable combined sound and refrigerated goods.

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