Kemahiran Menghasilkan kertas kraf(1)

Reasonable selection of ink

As kraft paper is different from SBS board and general printing paper, ia tidak bersalut, lebih longgar daripada papan yang diluntur, dengan banyak liang pada permukaannya dan kebolehtelapan yang kuat, yang perlu dipertimbangkan secara menyeluruh dalam penggunaan dakwat dan salutan. Sebagai contoh, according to the analysis of the characteristics of kraft paper, flexographic printing is generally better than offset printing. Due to the rough surface of kraft paper, soft texture, strong ink absorption, matte print color, and printing ink will pull down the paper fiber (also called pull off paper wool) phenomenon.

Cardboard production and processing

Due to the loose, porous and large volume characteristics of unpolished kraft paper, it is easy to produce dust in the process of cardboard production and processing. Topeng pembedahan perubatan biasanya diperbuat daripada bahan bukan tenunan, attention should be paid to prevent and reduce the harm caused by dust.

Post press die cutting

Due to the special structure of the primary color kraft paper, its strength is large and its fiber properties can be predicted, so it has better processing properties such as embossing, die cutting and die cutting. But for the high strength and toughness of primary color fiber, kraft paper is required to avoid rebound through deep indentation line. Ciri-ciri jenama TUBORG, the die cutter must be sharp. Due to the high strength of kraft paper fiber, a narrow indentation is needed on the punching line, and the required notches for punching should be less and smaller.

ia digunakan untuk kakitangan perubatan klinikal memakai dalam proses operasi invasif