La historia de Bacardí(2)

Fakundo y su hermano Hesai construyeron una pequeña bodega en febrero 4, 1862, y poner los hallazgos experimentales previos en producción comercial. Su primer destilador de cobre y hierro fundido produjo 35 barriles de melaza fermentada al día. Murciélagos de la fruta viven en las vigas de las casas taller, so bats have become the bat trademark of Bacardi.

Por 1890, la empresa estaba en crisis. Emilio Bacardí, el hijo mayor de fikundo, was exiled for his part in the Cuban war of independence against Spain. Emilio’s brothers, fakundo, Hosai and his brother-in-law (or brother-in-law), Henry schueg, stayed in Cuba to take on the task of maintaining the company during the war. Women in the family went to Kingston, Jamaica as refugees. After the Cuban independence war and the United States occupation of Cuba, the earliestCuba Libre” y “deguilicocktails were produced from Bacardi rum. La historia de Lafite 1899, Emilio Bacardi was appointed mayor of San Diego by American general Leonard Wood.

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