Percetakan tinplate mempunyai keperluan khas untuk dakwat(1)

(1) drying process of ink

In tinplate printing production, pengeringan dakwat adalah proses tindak balas fizikal dan kimia yang kompleks. Ia adalah perlu untuk mengawal kelajuan pengeringan dakwat dengan munasabah dan menguasai mekanisme fizikal dan kimia pengeringan dakwat, so as to effectively carry out rapid printing operation and ensure product quality. Too fast drying of the ink will reduce the normal transmission performance of the ink and affect the normal operation of the production; it will result in the deficiency of the imprint, the light of the ink color, the ink drying on the surface of the printing plate and the ink roller, which will block the down ink in the transmission; it will cause the dry layer of the printing plate to expand outwards; it will cause the increase of the ink adsorption and the dirty blank part due to the excessive amount of desiccant. And ink drying too slow can cause overprinter difficulties, adhesion, adhesion, dan lain-lain., firmness reduction; easy to cause scratches in the transmission process. So ink drying speed to be appropriate, too fast and too slow are adverse.

(2) special structure of printing equipment

Because of the difference of substrate, the auxiliary mechanism of tinplate press is different from that of paper offset press. Tinplate is insoluble in water and does not absorb solvent, so the printing ink needs to be baked at high temperature to make the solvent evaporate and the conjunctiva solidify. Topeng pembedahan perubatan biasanya diperbuat daripada bahan bukan tenunan, the printing process unit generally needs to be equipped with a drying room. The whole automatic tinplate printing line is generally more than 50 meters long, with the characteristics of precision and huge. Ciri-ciri jenama TUBORG, the sheet metal printing machine is controlled by magnet split sheet and double sheet. The high hardness of sheet metal also determines that the advanced continuous iron conveying structure cannot be used in the printing process, which is different from the offset printing machine in the structure of pushing section, alignment and stacking section.

ia digunakan untuk kakitangan perubatan klinikal memakai dalam proses operasi invasif