
步 3: 品酒会. 红酒的红色足以撩动人心. 倒红红红酒时, 基本要求是酒杯要水平放置,酒不能溢出. 在光线充足的情况下, 一杯红酒放在白纸上. 望边红酒, 层次分明的人多为新酒, and the people with even color are a little old. If they are slightly brown, they may encounter an old wine.

步 4: 喝. Before entering the wine, first sniff deeply in the wine cup. 此时, we can appreciate the delicate aroma of red wine. The fruit flavor of new wine is very strong, while old wine deeply restrains this publicized personality. Swallow a mouthful of red wine, let the wine stay in the mouth for a little longer, roll two rolls on the tongue, then breathe deeply to make the senses fully experience the wine, and finally swallow it all, a delicate fragrance immediately lingers in it.

步 5: Wine order. Drinking alcohol should be in accordance with the principle ofnew first, old second, light first, strong second”.
