Halayen ingantacciyar ingantacciyar ruwan inabi Champagne

Na farko, launi yana da haske. Farin champagne ya zama rawaya mai haske ko rawaya bambaro; ja champagne yakamata ya zama jajayen shuɗi, ja mai zurfi, ja-rubi ja ko launin ruwan kasa ja; ruwan hoda champagne ya zama ruwan hoda ko haske ja ja. Komai kalar shampagne, it should be clear and transparent, and there should be no visible suspension.

Na biyu, the sound is clear and pleasant at the start of the stopper.

Na uku, when the wine is poured into the cup, there should be a white foam, and the foam will continue to pour upwards from the bottom of the cup. It will last for more than ten minutes. There is a jargon in the wine industry, which is calledbubbling persistence”.

Fourth, it has mellow, elegant, graceful and harmonious fruit aroma, and has a fresh, pleasant, refreshing taste.

Some people say that the best of all wines is wine, and the highest grade of wine is dry white wine. Champagne is produced only when dry white wine is further optimized. So it makes sense that champagne is the best in wine.

Probably because of this, people give champagne a noble nickname: “Queen in Wine”.

Because of the nobility of champagne, and in order to keep its quality unaffected by external temperature, in some supermarkets abroad, champagne counters only empty wine bottles, customers order wine according to the sample bottles. The real champagne is stored in the back of the barn. The waitress always comes to the barn to pick it up.

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