
1. 直接穿衣服 (最常见的穿着方式):

但是很多人不戴. 他们经常选择纯色T恤来强调, 在 POLO 衬衫旁边穿一件圆领 T 恤, 会让人觉得简单, 大方而有层次, 还能保护POLO衫.

2. 解开并佩戴两颗纽扣:

一般来说, POLO衫会有两个纽扣. 如果您将它们戴在身体附近, 建议解锁底部按钮, the top button be unlocked, or a necklace be attached after unlocking the two buttons to make the chest look less hollow. If you already have a T-shirt undercut, you might as well unfasten both buttons. 此外, unless on more formal occasions, we do not recommend buttoning all buttons.

3. Vertical collar piercing method:

Another very popular way to wear POLO shirts is to put the collar up so that it looks fashionable. But keep in mind that it’s best not to put the collar up indoors.

If you want to be outgoing, try colorful POLO shirts, such as green or red, or wear dark pinstriped POLO shirts, which will make you feel cool. If the size of the POLO shirt is bigger, wear a loose feeling, or choose a smaller size of the POLO shirt, so as to make yourself more self-cultivation, it will make you more fashionable.
