
休闲衬衫用来搭配西装外套. 面料的使用没有固定的规则. 风格在传统的基础上不变或略有变化, 而且颜色和图案都非常自由. 西装打领带要不要打领带,要看你的喜好和搭配效果. 此外, 作为一项特殊规则, 深色亮面休闲衬衫面料深受表演者喜爱, and is often used by actors and designers to match suits for formal occasions. If this kind of dark shirt is well cut and matched with a suit, it can not only maintain a gentlemanly look, but also look relaxed and handsome. It has gradually become a casual evening dress for some young and upstarts who pay attention to taste.

顾名思义, home shirt is for home and walking wear, so most of the styles are loose American style, and stripes and plaids on the design and color can be widely used. Although the fabric is mainly made of pure cotton, pure linen and pure wool, it does not pay too much attention to advanced texture or special effect because of its home use. It’s usually matched with sweaters and slacks. Due to the relaxed atmosphere of the college, home style shirts are also the daily activities of many college students and professors. When matching with a flannelette suit or other suit made of non formal fabric, the suit is calledsuit jacket”.Most of the holiday shirts are made of light and thin pure linen cotton or silk fabrics, which have no binding at all on the style, more free cutting, and no interlining on the collar and cuffs. Influenced by the colonial culture and the tropical holiday trend, the holiday shirts are usually made of pure hemp, which can be matched with the same quality of holiday suits and trousers, as well as knitted clothes.
