
没有一定的标准,一般按其分类. 没有一定的标准,一般按其分类. 没有一定的标准,一般按其分类, 没有一定的标准,一般按其分类: 没有一定的标准,一般按其分类, 没有一定的标准,一般按其分类, C, E 和 F. 瓦楞纸的发明和应用已有超过 100 年. 它具有成本低的优点, 轻的, 易于加工, 高强度, 良好的印刷适应性, convenient storage and handling, 等等. 多于 80% of corrugated paper can be recycled. Corrugated paper can be used as the packaging of food or digital products, which is relatively environmental friendly and widely used.

A-type and B-type corrugations are generally used as external packing boxes for transportation, and beer boxes are generally made of B-type corrugations. E-ring is often used as a single packaging box with certain aesthetic requirements and appropriate weight contents. F-ring and g-ring are collectively called micro corrugated, which is a kind of extremely thin corrugated, used as a disposable packaging container for hamburger, cream filled pastry and other food, or used as a packaging for micro electric products such as digital camera, portable combined sound and refrigerated goods.
