
水转印技术是超越任何图像印刷技术的最新数字图像技术. 它使用纳米材料制成的特殊纸张和特殊环保墨水在任何固体介质上打印图像. 它最大的技术优势是不需要特殊设备, 不受介质限制, 不需要特殊耗材, 不需要高温加热, 只要你有图像输入工具(扫描仪或数码相机)), 绘图工具 (计算机), image output tool (inkjet printer), plus water transfer ink and water transfer paper, any image can be printed on any solid object or any curved surface at will, with bright colors and absolute photo quality. Small investment, fast start, easy to operate, applicable to all fields. As long as the purchase of water transfer printing supplies can learn all the technology.
