
皮革是由动物皮制成的, 与化纤制成的人造革在概念上有所不同. 市面上的皮革一般都是头层的, 第二层和合成革. The prices of the three kinds of skins decreased in turn.


Identify dermis

A handbag is no longer a handbag in the general sense. 它是品格的象征, 职业, 地位, 身份与品味. 与时尚相比, 精致手袋更受欢迎. This requires us to grasp the fashion trend when choosing. A carefully selected handbag can make the finishing touch, and it can decorate you into a real woman with elegant fashion and high taste. It can also reflect a person’s identity, 地位, economic situation and even personality. For leather goods, how to distinguish leather?

Touch by hand

也就是说, if you touch the leather surface with your hands, the feeling of smoothness, softness, fullness and elasticity is leather, while the general synthetic leather surface is astringent, rigid and soft. When pressing the leather surface with fingers, there are no obvious pores and wrinkles. If there are wrinkles after pressing, they will not disappear naturally.
