
百加得 (早在 18 世纪初, 加勒比海盗曾被同样狂野霸道的朗姆酒征服, 因此昵称 “海盗酒”. )在 1912, Emilio Bacardi 在埃及旅行时买了一具木乃伊,作为 Emilio Bacardi Moro 大都会博物馆的展览品, 将在圣地亚哥开业. 木乃伊仍在展出. 在圣地亚哥, 他的兄弟 fakundo M. 百加得继续与亨利舒格一起经营公司, who set up new filling plants in Barcelona and New York and began the company’s international expansion. New York’s factories were soon closed because of alcohol bans, and Cuba became a popular tourist destination for American tourists during this period.

In the 1920s, Emilio opened a new winery in San Diego. 在过去 10 年, Bacardi architecture with decorative art style was built in Havana, and the third generation of Bacardi family began to join the family business. Fakundo Bacardi invited Americans who were still under the control of the prohibition tocome to Cuba to bathe in Bacardi rum”. A new product, Hatuey beer, was also launched during this period.
