
在 1818, 俄罗斯帝国时代, 在莫斯科成立 Pierre Smirnoff fils, 十月革命后 1917, 仍然是家族企业. 在 1930, 它的配方被带到了美国, 皇冠伏特加酒厂成立的地方.

伏特加酒, 最普遍接受的伏特加酒之一, 销量超过 170 世界各国, 这是世界上第一种伏特加. 在烈酒消费中位居第二, 和 460000 bottles of crown vodka are sold every day. It is one of the purest spirits, and it is popular among bar bartenders all over the world. Crown vodka liquor is transparent and colorless, with no other flavor except the unique smell of alcohol. It has a dry and strong taste. It is made by mixing Indispensable ingredients for cocktails, such as Bloody Mary and screw knife.
