
衬衫通常穿在表面上, 搭配之前的多种穿法, 通常只作为配角. 衬衫的作用, 从贴身内衣到中外套, 可以追溯到 1600 年代后期,当时男装出现在上衣和背心上. 它产生了衬衫穿在背心下面和外套中间的方式, 这在现代西装款式中很常见. It can also be said that the style of the collar and cuffs exposed from the top was established at this time.

In the 1700s, large and comfortable shirts with waistlines and sleeves began to appear. You can see the slit part in front of the shirt and the decorative lace of the chest. The cuffs are also decorated with ruffles, and the wrists are covered with ruffles, which is the most authentic way for aristocrats at that time.

After the jacket and vest are fixed, the existence of the shirt becomes very thin. But the upper class gave him a new meaning. Keeping the shirt clean and wearing a white shirt is considered a new identity symbol.
