
异色领 — taste type

Plain or striped shirt with white collar. 有些袖口也是白色的. 领型多为标准领或开角领, 而且领尖形状也不少, 通常是圆形的, 完美匹配佩兹利漩涡图案. 选择不同颜色领子的男士在搭配上一定要注意协调, 否则他们将被归类为 “无味”.

开角领 – romantic

A collar with an angle between 120 和 180 度数. This type of collar is also calledWindsorcollar or “法语” collar. Only because the Duke of Windsor, who didn’t love beautiful people, liked this collar the most. With the return of the romantic trend in the new century, the Windsor collar is popular again, but the tie matching it is popular with the smallerquasi Windsor knot”, which reflects the delicate modern trend of thought of the recent generation in the retro.
