
氨纶面料最大的优点就是弹性好, 可以拉伸 5-8 次, 不老化, 氨纶不能单独编织, 一般与其他原料一起编织, 氨纶比例约为 3-10%, 泳衣面料氨纶比例达到 20%. 氨纶纤维是具有高断裂伸长率的合成纤维 (多于 400%), 低模量和高弹性回复. 多嵌段聚氨酯纤维的中文商品名. 也称为弹性纤维. 氨纶具有高伸长率 (500%-700%), 低弹性模量 (200% 伸长, 0.04-0.12 g/d) and high elastic recovery (200% 伸长, 95%-99%). Except for high strength, other physical and mechanical properties are very similar to those of natural latex filament. It is more resistant to chemical degradation than latex filament and has moderate thermal stability. The softening temperature is about 200 C. Most dyes and finishing agents for synthetic and natural fibers are also suitable for the dyeing and finishing of polyurethane fibers. Spandex is sweat-resistant, seawater-resistant and resistant to various dry cleaners and most sunscreen. Long-term exposure to sunlight or chlorine bleaching agent can also fade, but the degree of fading varies greatly with the type of spandex.
