კოქტეილების წარმოშობა (1)

განცხადება 1

კოქტეილები In 1777, ბეტსი ფლენეგანმა გამოიგონა ამერიკული სტილი “კოქტეილები”. კოქტეილები წარმოიშვა კოქტეილის ბუმბულით მორთულ პაბში ელმსფორდში, Ნიუ იორკი, in 1776. ერთ დღეს, როცა ყველა სახის ალკოჰოლი თითქმის გაიყიდა პაბში, რამდენიმე ოფიცერი შემოვიდა სასმელის საყიდლად. A waitress named Betsy Flanagan poured all the leftovers into a large container and whipped a feather from a big cock to serve the guests. When the officers looked at the wine’s fineness and could not taste what it was, they asked Betsy, who answered casually, “This is a cocktail!” An officer listened to the word, gladly raised his glass to toast, and shouted, “Long live the cocktail!” Მას შემდეგ, it has the name ofcocktail”. This is a recognized origin in the Americas.

განცხადება 2

ერთ დღეს, after a banquet, there were various kinds of wine left on the table, some of which were 1/4 left in the cups, and some of which were 1/2 left in the cups. There was a table cleaner who mixed all the remaining wines, three or five glasses, and tasted better than the original single wines. მერე, the guys have several different combinations in succession, all kinds of things. Ამის შემდეგ, the mixed wines were distributed to everyone, and the results were highly appraised. Thus, this method of mixed drinking became famous and spread. It’s not clear why it’s called acocktailinstead of a buddy’s drink.

განცხადება 3

In 1775, Bilesgo, who moved to Alianz, Ნიუ იორკი, opened a drugstore in the downtown area to make refined wines and sell them to customers. ერთ დღეს, he transferred eggs to a medicinal liquor for sale and got a voice of approval. Მას შემდეგ, customers have been brimming in and business has been booming. At that time, people in Allenz, Ნიუ იორკი, mostly spoke French. They used the French accent to call itCocker Carand later evolved into EnglishCocktail”. Მას შემდეგ, cocktails have become a popular blend of drinks, and more and more fancy styles.

გააზიარე ეს პოსტი