
苦艾酒是一种高度酒精的蒸馏酒,带有茴香风味. 它的主要原料是茴香, 茴香和艾草 (苦艾蒿). 加入冰水后,酒液呈绿色,变成不透明和乳白色. 这是苦艾酒众所周知的悬浮状态. 这款酒香气浓郁, 淡而微苦的味道, 并包含超过 45 酒精度数.

苦艾酒的四大生产国是捷克共和国, 西班牙, 法国和瑞士. Czech is also a professional producer of absinthe. Traditional absinthe contains anise, but many people do not like the flavor of anise, so cater to the taste of the public, most of the Czech absinthe is very little anise.

Spanish absinthe is generally grass green, suspension effect is only a few more obvious, most of the suspension is not obvious and the price is low.

法国, once the most prosperous country in the development of absinthe, generally brown absinthe, France in addition to good wine, but also a very good absinthe, Lemercier series has won the silver and bronze awards of the World Spirit Award. 当然, not all French vermouth is of high quality. Consumers should polish their eyes.

Switzerland is the origin of absinthe. After the absinthe is banned, it is usually produced in underground workshops. In order to hide people’s eyes, the absinthe in underground workshops in Switzerland is colorless, which can tell officials that it is not absinthe, but what other liquors. After 2013, most of the vermouth in Switzerland is colorless, and the blue bottle symbolizes the blue sky in Switzerland.

Anise is the most easily confused with absinthe in the Chinese market, because it contains one of the basic components of absinthe, which is easily mistaken for absinthe.

Another reason for translation, close to absinthe, the most confusing is vermouth, many people will translate into absinthe, in fact, its correct Chinese name is vermouth. The real absinthe isAbsinthe”, not L’Absinthe or D’Absinthe, 等等. In order to imitate absinthe, many alcoholic drinks usually have names similar toAbsinthe”, such as L’Absinthe, D’Absinthe, absente and so on. In order to make people seeAbsintheat a glance, the wordsL’, D’Absintheare usually very small. Liquor is generally liqueur, and liqueur is also marked in the inconspicuous place of the label. Pure absinthe will not have such a label.

The above liquors are pre-meal liquors, appetizers, generally very cheap, and the real Absinthe absinthe is very expensive even in foreign countries, sells very little in China.
