
在 1978, 嘉士伯啤酒第二次进入中国,在香港成立嘉士伯啤酒厂香港有限公司, 负责生产的, 销售量, 嘉士伯啤酒和其他品牌在中国和香港的分销​​和营销.

收购原惠州啤酒后。, 有限公司. 在 1995, 嘉士伯啤酒 (粤) 有限公司, 有限公司. 建立了. 开始在中国生产嘉士伯系列品牌, 供应中国大陆市场, 港澳地区, and producing local Longba beer.

在 2007, Carlsberg acquired a 50% stake in Russia’s Baltic beverage holding company (indirectly held in Newcastle beer), as well as BBH’s operations in France, Greece, China and Vietnam.

On January 25, 2008, Heineken and Carlsberg jointly acquired Scottish & Newcastle (小号 & n) Newcastle (小号 & n), the UK’s largest global brewer, for us $15.28 billion and £ 7.8 十亿.

In March 2013, Carlsberg’s shareholding in Chongqing beer rose to 60%, becoming the behind the scenes boss of Chongqing beer.
