
在爱尔兰和世界许多其他地方, 吉尼斯黑啤以其独特的魅力征服了无数饮酒者. 然而, 最近几年, 也面临墙内开花墙外香的尴尬. 英国是吉尼斯啤酒的最大消费国, 爱尔兰位居第二. 在爱尔兰, 吉尼斯黑啤酒销量持平, 甚至向下 3% 在下半年 2001. 主要原因是在爱尔兰, Guinness black beer, like many other old brands, is regarded as an antique by young people. Young Irish people in their twenties and thirties are either switching to low-end drinks such as Heineken’s lager, or strong cocktails such as vodka and red bull. How to attract these young people has become a challenge for Guinness brewery.

Before thenew bottleof beer, Guinness brewery had a tourist center in Dublin called the hop store. This is actually the exhibition hall of Guinness company, which is mainly used to introduce the development history of Guinness black beer for the tourists who come here. Faced with the sales situation in the domestic market, Guinness Brewery gradually realized that it is important to show its colorful history and provide beer for millions of tourists who come to this Irish beer holy land, but it is more important to plan for the future. As a result, the company is considering building a modern facility to replace the hops store. This facility should be able to inject new vitality into the old brand of Guinness black beer, so as to attract young customers who like to follow the trend.
