
巴西人广泛饮用 Cachaca, 并逐渐产生卡查卡文化, 并随着时代的变迁而变得更加丰富多彩. Cachaca是巴西农村地区常用的一种饮料,用于节日和招待客人.

在酒店和酒馆, Cachaca 与苏打水和果汁混合, 并成为具有巴西特色的开胃鸡尾酒.

据说男人请女人喝甘蔗酒是求爱. This rumor is wrong.

Cachaca in bottles, cans and barrels are packed in different packages. Some wine bottles are also wrapped with bamboo, rattan and reed leaves to show their unique value. The staff of the winery mixed the juice, sugar, ice and lemon with Cachaca to make cocktails with different flavors.

The o’barrois cocktail is made of a flat spoon of instant madea, two flat spoons of white sugar, half of lemon juice, a flat spoon of egg white, a cup of Cachaca, and ice cubes placed in an aluminum blender to quickly shake and blend. This kind of wine has the characteristics of sweet and sour taste and pleasant fragrance. When drinking, the wine cup is decorated with a mint leaf, which is even more fragrant.

Touyo cocktail is a quick shake with lemon juice, sugar, egg white, casserole and ice. Then pour lemon soda on it to make it bubble up.
