
平安夜 (十二月 24), 这是大多数基督教国家圣诞节的一部分, has become a worldwide holiday due to the integration of Chinese and Western cultures.

Christmas Eve is traditionally a time to decorate Christmas trees, 但随着圣诞节庆祝活动提前开始, 例如, 美国感恩节后, 许多圣诞树早在圣诞节前几周就已经装饰好了. 延伸发展至今, Christmas Eve not only refers to the night of December 24, but also refers to Christmas Eve, especially the whole day of December 24. 然而, because the general festival atmosphere is easy to mobilize in the evening, large-scale activities are concentrated in the evening, so it is called Christmas Eve. At that time, tens of thousands of European and American people rushed home to get together. The essential celebration of Christmas Eve is the party. Most European and American family members gather at home, have a rich dinner, and then sit around the burning stove, play the piano and sing songs, and share the joy of family; or hold a fancy dress party, celebrate Christmas Eve all night long is a happy, peaceful, wild Christmas Eve, reunion night, looking forward to the arrival of Christmas. It is said that on Christmas Eve, Santa Claus will quietly prepare presents for children to put in stockings.
