
在衬衫的衍生品种中, 夏威夷衬衫和马球衫很常见. 夏威夷毛衣, 由A设计. 学习, 来自夏威夷的波利尼西亚人, 通常由印染布制成,色彩丰富,笔触粗犷, 宽松舒适,适合热带地区穿着. 介绍于 1940 由美国广为流行. 翻领衬衫一般是指可以收口或翻身的衬衫. The long sleeve shirt is generally equipped with the left and right chest bags and square hem with the bag cover. When wearing, it does not tie or tie. It is usually made of plain thick fabric. It is a men’s single coat in early summer and late autumn. Short sleeve is also called Hong Kong shirt. Its shape is basically the same as Hawaiian shirt, but the color is mainly white or light.
