
Shirt collar type

The collar of western style shirt is exquisite and changeable. 领子款式除以 “八字” 在翻领前打字, 包括小方领, 中国领, 短尖领, 中尖领, 长尖领和八字领. 其质量主要取决于领衬的材料和加工工艺, 最好不要起皱或卷角. The materials used for collar lining include various specifications of pulp cloth lining, film lining, adhesive lining and angle inserting piece, among which the flat compound collar with double-layer adhesive lining is the top product, followed by resin lining and corner film lining.

Body sleeve

In addition to the collar style, the shirt body has straight waist, curved waist, inside flap, outside flap, square hem, round hem, with and without pleats, 等等. Sleeve has long sleeve, short sleeve, single sleeve, double sleeve and so on.
