图博啤酒, 始于哥本哈根 1873, 是丹麦的第一款淡啤酒. 口感清爽顺滑,苦味温和适中, TUBORG 在超过 70 世界各国和地区. It is also the only international beer brand with innovative design of zip-top beer bottle cap.

Port represents the beginning of adventure. 多于 100 几年前, leburg 啤酒厂建在哥本哈根港. 菲利普·W. 嗨,老兄, the founder, hopes to explore the world better through the port.

After years of unremitting efforts, TUBORG has become a world-renowned brand with excellent quality and refreshing taste. 现在, 多于 75% of TUBORG beer is sold well in 88 countries outside Denmark. 然而, in Denmark, the beer with green packaging is popular and popular. Now it has become the most popular beer brand in Denmark.
