
Bacardi 由 Don Facundo 拥有 bacardí massó)成立于圣地亚哥 (古巴) 二月 4, 1862, 总部位于汉密尔顿 (百慕大). 百加得还有其他几个品牌,包括灰鹅伏特加, 杜瓦的苏格兰威士忌, 孟买蓝宝石杜松子酒, 埃里斯托夫伏特加, 马提尼 & 罗西, cazadores tequila and Havana Club Lang sold in the US Rice wine.

Wine merchant Don Facundo Bagad Maso immigrated to Cuba from Catalonia in the early nineteenth Century. 此时, the cost of making rum is low, which is not among the refined drinks, and it is rarely sold in high-end pubs. Don fakundo began totame” 朗姆酒. After trying several methods, he found a way to remove impurities by filtering rum with charcoal. 此外, fakundo uses oak barrels to store rum, so as to addmellowto it. The final product is the world’s first “白色的” 朗姆酒.
