
受保护的, 谁代表自我, 选择, 时尚, 翻译为 “星星” 法语和佛兰芒语. 根据不同的发酵类型, 应变可以分为两种类型: vedett 特白和 vedett 特金发. 它们都是在duvel moorgat的duvel酒庄生产的, 比利时. 它们是杜维尔酒庄的明星产品. 它的瓶身和它的兄弟品牌一样 “双人啤酒”, 但它在瓶身标签上做文章. The front label style is different and retro, the most special is its back label. Each bottle has a close-up of the portrait on the back label, and each close-up is uploaded to the vedett personalized bottle label website by the lover ofvedett” 啤酒, and these photos are made into labels and printed on the bottle. Every vedett fan has a chance to become the cover of the next vedett bottle.


Duvel winery, located in purs, 比利时, was co founded by Jan Leonard Moorgate and his wife Maria de block in 1871. The family of moorgat has a history of 140 年, showing its admiration for tradition and family concept. 今天, Jan Leonard moorgat, the founder of moorgat, and his sons Albert and Victor continue to carry on their valuable heritage among the fourth generation of the family. Duwei distillery produces most of duvel moorgat’s beer.
