
西装和衬衫起源于欧洲. 衬衫上使用的纽扣也受到法式衬衫的贯穿袖扣的启发. 所以正装衬衫的款式基本都是以法式衬衫为主, 搭配漂亮的法式折叠袖. 只是根据不同的搭配礼服或正式礼服, 领口和正面可能与传统的法式风格不同. 面料以纯棉为主, 丝绸和其他天然材料. It pays attention to the fit and fit of the tailoring. There are Interlinings in the collar and cuffs to keep the straightness effect, which is the same as the function of the dress and the suit, emphasizing the modified body line. Shirts used for formal dresses are usually only white, while those for formal dresses are mostly white or light. Please note: American shirts are influenced by the popularity of American civilian culture. They are loose in style and do not pay attention to tailoring. They often use buttons to fix the collar tip, which is neither beautiful nor exquisite. 所以, they are more suitable for home shirts. The real upper class in the United States will not dress up with American shirts.
