
UV打印的增长是由其增值打印属性驱动的, 可以突出出版领域的诸多优势, 商业印刷, 包装印刷及标签市场应用. 原因可以体现在用户需求的增加上:

不仅可以使用纸和纸板, 也可使用多种印刷材料, 包括低吸收或非吸收材料 (塑料, 挫败, 金属和热敏材料).

非常高的光泽效果, sometimes also has scratch resistance and scratch resistance performance comprehensive effect.

All kinds of special functional, tactile and special graphic surface treatment.

It has high surface resistance (anti friction and scratch), especially the cover of packaging and publications.

Speed up the completion of the work, especially the short version work, because UV printing can be processed immediately in many occasions.

The key business advantage of UV technology is the flexibility of application. It can get a variety of product functions and special applications in various substrate materials and surface finishing. This provides a creative opportunity for print buyers to highlight their product differentiation and add functionality to their products. UV printing can provide value-added services for existing customers and attract new business. In some cases, compared with other processes, UV printing and glazing reduce the overall production cost; on the other hand, even in the case of increased UV production cost, the higher sales price of UV products also improves the return on investment.

UV printing is a reliable process. UV inks can be considered environmentally friendly because they do not produce volatile organic compounds (VOC) solvent volatilization problems. 例如, 在美国, some traditional single sheet ink fractions are classified as volatile organic compounds (VOC), which are controlled by law and within the limits. In these areas, UV is usually classified as thebest available process”. In the European Union, the ink fractions used in sheet fed printing are not among the hazards of VOCs.
