
朗姆酒可分为三种: 强的, 根据其风味和香气中等和轻.

淡色朗姆酒: 无色, 细腻轻盈. 是鸡尾酒基酒和其他饮料的原料.

中性朗姆酒: 在生产过程中, 将水加入糖蜜中使其发酵, 然后只有漂浮在上面的果汁被蒸馏和老化. 出售前使用清淡或浓烈的朗姆酒充分混合.

浓朗姆酒: 在生产过程中, first let molasses ferment for 2-3 天, add the residue or bagasse left by the last distillation, make it ferment, and even add other spice juice, put it in a single distiller, distilled out, injected into the inside of the roasted oak barrel aging for several years.
