
Blanco and Plata

Blanco and Plata, 意义 “白色的” 和 “银” 分别用西班牙语, 可以说是龙舌兰酒领域的陈年酒, 并且不需要在橡木桶中陈酿. Blanco 级龙舌兰酒在橡木桶中放置最多 30 天.

Joven abocado

Joven abocado, 意思是 “年轻愉快” 在西班牙语中, 也常被称为 Oro (金的). 在分类方面, 所有这些酒都属于 Mixto. 理论上, 不 100% of tequila products are superior.


Reposado, 意思是 “rested” 在西班牙语中, means that this grade of wine has been put in oak barrels for a certain period of time, but it is still less than a year old. Storage in barrels usually makes the taste of tequila thicker and more complex, because the wine will absorb some of the oak barrel flavor or even color, the longer the color the darker. Reposado’s display time is between two months and one year.


Añejo, 在西班牙语中, originally meansaged”. Simply speaking, the wine that has been put in oak barrels for more than a year belongs to this grade, with no upper limit. They must be sealed in oak barrels with a capacity of no more than 350 litres, sealed by government officials. Although it is stipulated that any more than one year can be called Aejo, experts generally agree that the most suitable aging period for tequila is four to five years, and alcohol in the barrel will evaporate too much after that.
