
1.Westvleteren 是比利时生产 Trappist 的最小啤酒厂之一. 他们只出口非常有限的一部分产品. 这款棕色啤酒有细腻的白色泡沫,口感顺滑, 焦糖味, 和淡淡的梨味, 葡萄和李子. Westvleteren 是比利时啤酒的最高典范. It has a strong taste and high alcohol content.

2 ALESMITH BARREL AGED SPEEDWAY STOUT is so perfect in every aspect of this beer in the United States that it is easy to overlook its amazing power. Whether it’s in big barrels, small barrels or bottles, it can fill your mouth with endless happiness. Beer gives off a strong aroma of chocolate and wine. It has a very silky taste mixed with chocolate, aroma, coffee and bourbon.

3 MAIDSON EXTRA STOUT SMG’s MAIDSON EXTRA STOUT Rye City Rye beer is rich in nutrition because it does not filter yeast. Besides a certain amount of low-sugar molecules and amino acids, it also contains vitamin C, vitamin H, 酒精含量 (>3.7%), sugar content (original wort concentration) about 12BX, and its amino acid content is higher than that of general. Tong Beer is 3 至 4 times higher and has a high calorific value. The calorific value of every 100 ml of black beer is about 77 kilocalories. 所以, it is a good beer, 被称为 “black milk”.

4 DIEU DU CIEL P e CH e MORTEL Canada, when this thick black beer is poured out, it forms a creamy dark brown foam. The beer itself looks crystal clear, rich and balanced in flavor, rich black chocolate, plum, honey and strong bittersweet coffee aroma, plus strawberry aroma immediately poured into the nose. This wine has a mellow taste, a crude texture of sugar and a thick consistency at the same time. It combines the sweet taste of malt with the bitterness of coffee in a complex and delicate way, and finally the light taste of beer itself reverberates in the mouth. This kind of wine makes your taste experience almost to the limit, which is very enjoyable.

5 ROCHEFORT TRAPPISTES Belgium looks like dark brown and brown bubbles. It tastes fragrant with nuts and dark fruits, especially the fig flavor. And coffee, chocolate and toffee. Sweet, slightly alcoholic, Lingering between the lips and teeth. It’s aromatic and aromatic. It’s arguably the best beer in Rochefort.

6 N? RREBRO BRYGHUSNORTH BRIDGE EXTREME Danish beer is dark amber with a moderate creamy foam. Intense hop flavor mixed with caramel and dark malt. Drinking in the mouth, the wine fragrance with bitter hops spread out in the mouth, and then slowly into a delicious taste of malt. 所以, although the taste is strong, it will be blended by delicious malt.

7 ALESMITH SPEEDWAY STOUT US 诱人的深色液体,混合着苦味和麦芽味, 喝酒后, 酒精的味道让你的舌头感觉干燥. 这款酒呈深黑色,带有棕黑色泡沫和浓郁的咖啡香气, 伴随着巧克力, 麦芽和愉快的烘烤.

8 三个 FLOYDSDREADNA UGHT IMPERIAL USA 是一款具有强烈, 干燥和高酒精含量. 啤酒色泽金黄,口感非常浓郁醇厚. 具有优质酒花的特点, 味道是柠檬味的, 奶油般的泡沫让你回味无穷.

9 WESTVLETEREN EXTRA Belgium 棕色液体,带有浓郁的水果发酵香气. 尝起来像甜水果和香料. 味道醇厚. 喝的时候, 你应该慢慢体会它淡淡的清香. 也有木头的味道, 皮革和面团, 以及枣仁, 葡萄干和太妃糖. 它具有丰富而均衡的味道, 具有出色的平衡, 是需要慢慢品鉴的国际顶级啤酒.

10 全球角鲨头烈性黑啤酒, 美国啤酒的颜色是深黑色桃花心木色, 加入少量棕色泡沫, 同时, 弥漫着浓郁的深色水果味, 干香蕉, 麦芽, 花香, 朗姆酒和酒精香味. 它是甜麦芽的美味组合, 深色水果, 香蕉和朗姆酒. 酒体饱满,味道纯正.
