
Skin color selection

People with darker skin color will look black and yellow when wearing green and gray shirts, 这会造成一些肮脏的感觉; 皮肤白皙的人会穿亮色衬衫衬托自己的皮肤很白, 但这往往会让男人显得过于女性化,缺乏阳刚之气. 胖子穿小方格衫会显得有些局促, 狭窄, 应该选择有尖利的大领衬衫比较合适. For tall and dignified people, don’t choose the shirt with decorative buttons on the collar, although it is popular so far.

Face selection

When choosing shirts for different face types, attention should be paid to the following differences: 一般来说, people with round face are most taboo to wear half round lotus leaf collar or round collar shirt with all buttons tightly fastened; people with square face should wear towel gourd collar shirt like crescent to soften the contour, and do not wear stand collar or flag robe collar shirt; people with long face are recommended to wear standard shirt collar, so as not to lengthen the contour of the face. For people with inverted triangle face, it is recommended to wear a small round neck shirt to blend the edges and corners of the face, and never wear a long and thin pointed collar shirt; for people with egg shaped face, it is between the long face and inverted triangle face, which is suitable for all collar shirts.
